KJ129 - Los datos de periodificación sólo se actualizan en moneda de sociedad CO

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SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: KJ - Cost Object Controlling for Make-to-Order Production

  • Message number: 129

  • Message text: Los datos de periodificación sólo se actualizan en moneda de sociedad CO

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  • ¿Qué causa este problema?

    In the basic data of the controlling area, the
    <DS:GLOS.3526BA4CAFAB52B9E10000009B38F974>currency type</> is not set
    to 10. When the currency type is not 10, the
    <DS:GLOS.WIP_calculation>WIP calculation</> function or the
    <DS:GLOS.results_analysis>results analysis</> function normally update
    the <DS:GLOS.results_analysis_data>results analysis data</> in object
    currency (company code currency). However, no results analysis data was
    updated in object currency for the object being processed.
    Possible causes:
    In the basic data of the controlling area, you changed the currency
    type when no data conversion was necessary.
    In Customizing for the
    <DS:GLOS.3526B73EAFAB52B9E10000009B38F974>results analysis version</>
    for a version relevant to settlement, you selected the option
    <DS:DE.BEW_ALL_BU>Cross-comp. valuation</> (this option may have been
    selected and then later deselected).
    You are executing results analysis for an object that was created in
    Release 2.2 and whose results analysis data was not converted.

    Respuesta del sistema

    The WIP calculation or results analysis function updates the results
    analysis data only in controlling area currency even though the
    currency type is not 10.
    If you settle the cost of sales calculated by the results analysis
    function or the revenue that affects net income to an account
    assignment object that is neither a profitability segment nor a G/L
    account (such as an internal order), it may be that the receiver is
    only debited in controlling area currency. This may result in
    inconsistencies in cost reports. The sender is correctly credited only
    in controlling area currency.

    Extracto de mensaje de error del sistema SAP. Copyright SAP SE.


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