KI625 - Organización empresarial: Verificar rendimiento p.jerarquías grandes

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SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: KI -

  • Message number: 625

  • Message text: Organización empresarial: Verificar rendimiento p.jerarquías grandes

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  • ¿Qué causa este problema?

    Performance problems may arise in the enterprise organization if
    hierarchies are too large or disadvantageously constructed.
    Before you use the enterprise organization productively, you need to
    decide whether this is possible or useful, with regards to performance.
    This is an online-transaction whose runtime behavior is determined by
    the number of managed objects (organizational units, cost centers, and
    cost center groups, profit centers and profit center groups), as well
    as by the hierarchy structure. In the worst case (large number of
    objects with a disadvantageous hierarchical order), the response times
    can become impossibly long, or the program may be terminated. The
    following factors have a negative effect on the runtime:
    More than 5000 nodes in the enterprise organization
    The hierarchy is too flat. For better performance, a node should not
    have too many subnodes (max. c.20). Hierarchies with a deeper structure
    can be more efficiently displayed in the enterprise organization.
    Lots of additional columns - use only c. 6 additional columns
    Long period of time set up - reduce the period of time for the display
    in the overview area. This means that fewer objects are displayed.
    Only use the "Expand subtree" function on a very low hierarchy level.
    In the enterprise organization, you should always proceed as follows:
    Use the <LS>Search area</> to select the subtree to be processed.
    Display this in the <LS>Overview area</>, and process this subtree here

    Respuesta del sistema

    You can adapt this message to meet your requirements, by choosing
    <LS>Controlling -> General Controlling -> Message Control</> from the
    IMG. You can:
    Specify the message: Information dialog box (default setting) or error
    message (you cannot start the transaction)
    Deactivate the message completely (message does not appear).

    ¿Cómo arreglar este error?

    Check the performance of the enterprise organization to see whether it
    meets your performance requirements (also for a growing organization).
    For more information, see OSS note no. 363373.

    Extracto de mensaje de error del sistema SAP. Copyright SAP SE.


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