CRMS4_REPAIR_BO008 - No se puede determinar documento precedente para reparación en taller

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SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: CRMS4_REPAIR_BO - Messages for In-House Repair BO

  • Message number: 008

  • Message text: No se puede determinar documento precedente para reparación en taller

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  • ¿Qué causa este problema?

    The system has located a link between an in-house repair item (
    <LB>BUS2000257</> with the GUID '&V1&') and the header of a repair order
    (<LB>BUS2000116</> with the GUID '&V2&') for example. However<(>,<)> the
    required link between the header data for the repair order and the
    header data for the in-house repair (which has to be defined as the
    preceding transaction) is missing in the process flow table.

    Respuesta del sistema

    The system cannot determine the header of the in-house repair, which
    must be linked to the header of the repair order.

    ¿Cómo arreglar este error?

    Contact technical support for assistance.

    Procedimiento para Administradoras de Sistemas

    To avoid creating inconsistent data, correct the program that creates
    follow-up transactions for in-house repairs.
    If it is necessary to correct the inconsistent data, correct the link
    between the header of the in-house repair and the header of the repair
    order in the database.

    Extracto de mensaje de error del sistema SAP. Copyright SAP SE.


  • ¿Cuál es la causa y la solución del error de SAP CRMS4_REPAIR_BO008 - No se puede determinar documento precedente para reparación en taller ?

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