G3612 - Selektion enthält FI-Belege ohne zugeordneten Konsolidierungsbeleg

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SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: G3 - Messages for SAP Consolidation: Integration

  • Message number: 612

  • Message text: Selektion enthält FI-Belege ohne zugeordneten Konsolidierungsbeleg

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  • Was verursacht dieses Problem?

    FI documents were found for which the selection did not contain an no
    assigned Consolidation document. This may be due to one of several
    The selection criteria used to select the Consolidation documents were
    too restrictive. Consequently, only some of the Consolidation documents
    assigned to the FI documents to be analyzed were actually included in
    the analysis.
    For some FI documents, no documents were updated in Consolidation.
    This may be due to errors in Customizing.
    However, even if your Customizing is correct, no document is updated in
    Consolidation if the document to be posted there only contains zeros.
    This can be the case when the document in Financial Accounting show a
    zero balance for each Consolidation item. That alone is not enough,
    however, because the individual lines of the Consolidation document may
    differ in other account assignments (such as that to the consolidation
    unit in business area consolidation) or in subassignments. In this case
    no zeros would be posted in the Consolidation document, even though the
    values would yield zero when summarized by Consolidation item.

    Wie behebe ich diesen Fehler?

    First be sure that the situation described above is not the cause. If
    you still find FI documents without an assigned Consolidation document
    which should exist based on the above criteria, post these documents
    subsequently from Financial Accounting to Consolidation.

    Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE


  • Was ist die Ursache und Lösung für den SAP Fehler G3612 - Selektion enthält FI-Belege ohne zugeordneten Konsolidierungsbeleg ?

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